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Variable Frequency Drive Installation and Maintenance

Variable Frequency Drive

Installation and Maintenance

CTW Corporation offers variable frequency drive (VFD) installation and maintenance options to all of our customers. Our factory supported team of engineers have developed a comprehensive program utilizing this advanced technology. Learn how CTW’s variable frequency service can help save you money on your energy costs.


VFD stands for variable frequency drive. The VFD has two main purposes: to control the output frequency and to convert incoming single phase power to a three phase power. Here’s a quick breakdown on how these two processes work.

Controlling the Incoming Electric Frequency

For well pumps to accelerate and decelerate during a cycle, they depend on incoming electric frequency; 60hz. VFD systems sequentially control the motor output frequency, increasing acceleration time and reducing water pressure surges. This process causes a gradual ramping and extends the life of the controlled equipment, like the motor and distribution piping.

Incoming Single Phase Power Conversion

Properly sized VFDs can operate three phase motors with the incoming single phase power. This method converts the single phase into a three phase, allowing the use of more plentiful, more efficient and less expensive three phase motors.


Installing a VFD system for your water well garners many benefits, such as:


Having clean water throughout your home and business is important. VFDs offer a high level of ground fault, thermal and overload protection that shields the motor from damage.


CTW partners with Focus on Energy, which offers financial incentives to clients who install VFD systems for their wells. Please give us a call and we’ll walk through the process with you and handle the paperwork. Over the last seven VFD projects, our customers earned a combined total of $73,000 in incentives for their contributions to carbon footprint reduction.


VFD’s are extremely efficient and will not put undue stress on your pump and pumping system. In the long run this will save on repair costs and system interruptions.


Compared to traditional well pump controls, VFD equipment allows the speed of the pump to vary. As a result, the pump is only consuming as much electricity as needed for demand of the home or facility. Starting a pump motor requires 9x the running amps, while a VFD operated pump will never exceed 1x the running amps – this is efficiency.


At CTW, we care about our environment. Our VFDs have helped to reduce the carbon footprint through non-renewable energy conservation. Thanks to our clients, we’ve prevented the burning of 480 tons of coal. As a result, we’ve reduced the time we have to drive to a service call, theoretically eliminating 150 cars from the road a year.

CTW Corporation's Warranty Policy

CTW Corporation warrants defects in materials and workmanship under normal conditions for 12 months from the date of installation. During this period, CTW Corporation will repair or replace defective, malfunctioned or damaged products with new or reconditioned parts at no cost. Any extended manufacturer product warranty will be honored however CTW Corporation Service fees will apply.

Get a Quote

For information and to get a quote, fill out the form below and we’ll contact you. For quicker service during business hours, please call us at (262) 253-6613

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